About Barbara And Green Tomato Crafts

Who is Barbara?

Hi there! I’m Barbara, the crafty mind behind Green Tomato Crafts. I love to craft, cook, garden, entertain and I am a (very) busy mom of two young boys. While I have many hobbies, my passion is in creating. I love to MAKE THINGS! And I absolutely love to share those things with people I love and care about.

I started crafting with my mom when I was a young girl. We were constantly creating new things and always had a million ideas for what we wanted to make next. Sometimes we even sold those things at craft fairs, but most of the time we loved to make things for our home or to give as gifts to loved ones. There is nothing quite so special as a gift that someone has taken the time to personally make for you.

My love for making things and sharing them has followed me throughout my life. However, once I got a Cricut machine, I started to realize the true potential it gave me to make exactly what I wanted. I started creating faster and smarter and sharing those things with others.

In fact, that’s the exact reason I started this blog – to share the love! I want YOU to realize your potential to create fun and beautiful things, whether you want to make them for yourself or for those you love.

Why Green Tomato Crafts?

As I mentioned above I have many hobbies, all centered around making things. Along with my love of crafting, I am an accomplished cook and an aspiring Southern California gardener. While I have chosen to make San Diego my home, I grew up in Indiana and like to think of myself as an original Cabbage Patch Kid. My dad did (and still does) have an enormous garden filled with what seemed like a gazillion vegetables and fruits when I was a kid.

I fondly remember running out to the garden on warm summer days and eating sun-warmed ripe tomatoes right off the vine. I also have comforting memories of my mother gathering the first of the tomatoes while they were still green to make fried green tomatoes. Even today, the taste of tomatoes bring me back to the safety of my childhood and all the time I spent exploring my creativity.

For me, ‘Green Tomato Crafts’ is inspiration. It’s an homage to being able to create freely and without abandon, it’s a symbol of sharing and of love. And I want to share that love with you!

I want to know about YOU!

I want to hear about you and get to know you! Send me a message and let me know what you love to make or what you want to see. Connect with me on Facebook or Instagram and share pictures of your amazing DIY projects. And, sign up for my weekly newsletter to get the latest projects, tips and other goodies directly in your inbox.